Showing 61–72 of 175 results

  • EBA

    KSh200.00 Add to cart

    Edikaikong soup is the real vegetable soup of the Ibibios or Efiks people of South South region in Nigeria. The soup involves a lots of preparation and honestly, requires me to be a very good mood to get the consistency right. It’s delicious, nutritious, and full of essential vitamins only when eating fresh.. So here’s my hands down recipe from my grandma on how to make the very Authentic EdikanKong soup.


    1. I kg (5 bunch of Pumpkin leave) ssameame as Ugwu
    2. 500 g water leaves
    3. 2 handful Ntong (scent leaves or Effirin
    4. I kg Assorted Meat
    5. Ponmo
    6. 200 ml (2 cups) Palm oil
    7. I medium onions
    8. I Cup of periwinkles
    9. Head I Large stockfish
    10. 2 Medium Sized Smoked Fish
    11. 6 fresh Yellow pepper (pounded)
    12. I Cup pounded Crayfish
    13. 1/2 Cup Dried Shrimps (slightly pounded)
    14. 1 tbs black Pepper
    15. 2 stock cubes
    16. Salt


    1. Before cooking, I like to pick, wash properly and allow to drain then slice all the vegetables. Ugwu, water leaves and scent leaves. Put each in separate bowls.

    2. Wash you Meats, seasons accordingly and cook till almost tender, then add the washed Stockfish head and cook… Make sure the meat stock is almost Dried…we don’t need water in the soup, cause the water leaves and palm will generate stock for the soup.

    3. Before the stock Dried out completely, add water leaves, pour in the palm oil, add Periwinkles, pounded fresh pepper and stir properly. cook for 3-5 mins. (Ensure you don’t over cook the water leaves)

    4. Add in Ugwu, scent leaves, pounded shrimps, smoked fish, black pepper, stock cubes and stir the content of the pot very well..Cover the pot and leave to cook for 5mins

    5. Lastly, according to my Grandma’s recipe, you add the pounded Crayfish and taste for salt, give it a stir and that’s it.(pls be mindful of the salt and stock cubes, cause vegetable soup can easily become salty)

    6. Remove from fire and enjoy with Fufu, Pounded Yam, Semo, Samvita or even Eba.

    KSh3,000.00 Add to cart

    Efo Riro – The African Stewed Spinach also popularly known as Efo riro is a one-pot stew with layers of flavor. It requires quite a number of ingredients but little work from the cook putting it all together (as long as you already have all your ingredients prepped).

    KSh2,000.00 Add to cart

    Egusi pepper soup is a popular Nigerian Pepper Soup dish. It’s particularly common among the people of Niger-Delta.  It is basically an Egusi (melon seeds) infused pepper soup dish.

    Egusi Pepper soup is mostly prepared with fresh fish though different fish types can be incorporated. It pretty much seems like there are no hard and fast rules with regards to the choice of proteins used for this dish, although like I said earlier, fresh fish, especially Catfish is used in most cases.


    1/2 Cup Ground Egusi (Melon Seeds)

    Assorted Meats (I’m using Goat meat, Ponmo, Cow leg)

    1 Medium Fresh Fish ( I’m using Tilapia)

    2-3 Medium Pieces Stock fish or Dried/Smoked Fish

    Handful Dry or Fresh Efinrin/ Basil leaves

    2-3 Tablespoon Ground Pepper ( Ata gungun)

    1-2 Scotch Bonnet (Ata Rodo)

    1 Small  Onion Chopped

    2 Uda Pod

    3 Ehuru/ Calabash Nutmeg Seeds

    1 Levelled Tablespoon Uziza Seeds

    If you haven’t got Uda, Uziza and Ehuru, just two tablespoons pepper soup spice will suffice

    1 Tablespoon Ground Crayfish

    2 Knorr Chicken Cubes or your preferred bouillon cubes

    1 Teaspoon Your Preferred Beef/Chicken Seasoning ( I use Aromat)

    Salt to Taste

    KSh2,000.00 Add to cart
  • Egusi Soup

    Egusi Soup is thickened with ground melon seeds and contains leafy and other vegetables, seasonings, and meat. It is often eaten with dishes like amala, pounded yam (iyan), fufu, Eba etc.



    • 4½ cups (600g) Egusi (Melon) seeds
    • 2 cooking spoons red palm oil
    • Beef: Best cut and Shaki (cow tripe)
    • Fish: Dry Fish and Stock Fish
    • 3 tablespoons ground crayfish
    • Pepper and Salt (to taste)
    • Vegetable: Nigerian pumpkin leaves, spinach or bitter leaves
    • 3 small stock cubes
    • 1 Ogiri Okpei (traditional locust bean seasoning: optional)
    KSh2,000.00 Add to cart

    Ewedu soup is known among the western part of Nigeria (the yorubas) and its equally enjoyed by the other parts of Nigeria. Ewedu soup is served with the famous amala and stew.


    • 250g ewedu leaf
    • pinch of salt
    • Half teaspoonful of potash
    • seasoning cube
    • prepared fresh tomatoes stew


    • 1Properly pick the ewedu leaves and wash thoroughly to remove any trace of sand or dirt
    • 2Boil the ewedu leafs for about 16 minutes
    • 3Add potash to help soften it ( this is optional) add the pinch of salt and seasoning cubes.
    • 4When its soft you can blend with your blender, but the yorubas prefer using their local broom to whisk it.
    • 5Your ewedu is ready. Serve with amala and stew.
    KSh2,000.00 Add to cart

    How to make tender, juicy restaurant-quality filet mignon steaks at home.


    • 2 8-ounce filet mignons or more as desired, about 1 ½ to 1 ¾ inch thick
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
    • 2 teaspoons unsalted butter


    • Preheat the oven to 450°F.
    • Heat a large heavy skillet, such as cast iron, over high heat. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season the steak generously with salt and pepper. When the oil is hot, sear the steak for 3 minutes on each side, until a nice crust has formed.
    • Transfer the pan to the preheated oven and roast for about 6 to 9 minutes, until the steaks are done to your liking. The inside will read 120°F on an internal thermometer for rare, 125°F for medium-rare. Transfer the steaks to a cutting board and let rest for at least 5 minutes.
    • Slice and serve.
    KSh1,500.00 Add to cart


    1. 3 Basa Fish Fillet (cut in to the shape like fingers)
    2. 1 tbsp Lemon juice
    3. 2 inch Ginger
    4. 3 big cloves of garlic
    5. 3 nos Green chillies
    6. 1/2 cup Coriander leaves
    7. 1/2 tsp Crushed black peppercorns
    8. 4 no of – Mint leaves
    9. 1/2 Onion (small size)
    10. 1 Egg
    11. 1/4 cup Egg white
    12. As per taste Salt
    13. 1 cup Bread crumbs
    14. 1/2 cup All-purpose Flour
    15. 2-3 cup Vegetable oil for deep frying
    16. 1-2 tsp Water
    KSh990.00 Add to cart

    Fisherman soup is like throwing all catch in a fisherman’s net in a pot. Its a soup where all the delicious names in the sea comes to party. Based on your preference of seafood, you can add or remove any of the given sea food


    1. Ngolo
    2. Fresh fish
    3. Crabs
    4. Perewinkles
    5. Shrimps
    6. Big dried prawns
    7. Cocoyam powder
    8. Utazi seeds
    9. leaves Utazi
    10. Palm oil
    11. Salt
    12. Seasoning
    13. Fresh scoth bonnet pepper


    1. Add water in a pot and boil the crabs with little salt half way.

    2. Add the ngolo and continue cooking

    3. Then add the fish and big dried prawns and some seasoning to taste

    4. When the fish is half way cooked, remove from the stock and set aside to prevent it from scattering

    5. Then add little more water and add perewinkles and grinded pepper and some palm oil and cover to cook

    6. When the oil is cooked and well incorporated, add the cocoyam flour mixed in little water and stir in until slightly thickened

    7. Then put back the precooked fish, shrimps, uziza leaves and cover to cook

    8. Let it cook for 5-6 minutes more and turn off heat

    KSh4,000.00 Add to cart

    Preparing Flame Grilled Fish is an exciting process, in tune with nature. It can be savored year-round, which makes it an appetizing social activity, best enjoyed in the garden, cottage, or outdoors.


      • 1 teaspoon finely minced garlic, about 3 cloves
      • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
      • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, orange juice, or dry white wine
      • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar or sherry vinegar
      • a pinch of cayenne pepper or hot red pepper flakes (optional)
      • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin, or 1 teaspoon or more chopped fresh herbs such as rosemary, dill, parsley, thyme, cilantro, basil, or mint, or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme or oregano, crumbled
      • freshly ground black pepper
      • 2 pounds fish steaks
      • lemon wedges for garnish


      1. Combine all the ingredients except fish and lemon wedges and mix well. Using a pastry brush, paint the fish steaks liberally on both sides and set them aside, lightly covered with a piece of aluminum foil, to marinate for at least 30 minutes.
      2. Build up a fire, using good hardwoods if you’re cooking in a fireplace or the best hardwood charcoal (not fake-wood briquettes) if you’re using a grill. Let the fire burn brightly and die down until you have a nice bed of hot coals or embers. Large pieces of fish can be set directly on the grill, but to prevent smaller ones from falling through and burning up, you may want to use a special grid made for fish.
      3. When you’re ready to cook, brush a little plain olive oil on the cooking surface and set it 4 to 6 inches from the source of heat. Arrange the fish steaks so that they have equal access to the heat source. Cook for about 4 to 5 minutes on each side, turning once. Test for doneness—fish should be opaque all the way through—by inserting the tip of a sharp knife near the bone or in the center of a boneless piece of fish. Remove immediately to a hot platter.
    KSh2,500.00 Add to cart